SFI- Strong Future International


 “SFI found me an enthusiast online marketer and made me a passionate online entrepreneur. I found SFI just next online business and I made it my # 1 online business…seriously”.                –SATISH CHANDRA

Your Vision, Your Income

Self made millionaires are not born with silver spoon in their mouth. Successful entrepreneurs have always failed. In my opinion, if you haven't failed enough, you haven't succeeded yet. Robert Kiyosaki says, “Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure.” 
Your vision should be to earn the following SFI badges, your 6 figure earning is guaranteed.

Most Incredible Online Business

SFI  is the real potential  business with the exception of passive/residual income. In brief SFI Inc. (Strong Future International, Inc.) is a division of Carson Services, Inc., headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska USA. Founded in 1985. 
SFI was launched in 1998. Presently with hundreds of thousands of SFI affiliates all over the world, it is believed to be the largest affiliate network in the world. Initially I was much skeptical about its legitimacy but soon I realized that this business is financially well designed, functionally well governed and philosophically much closer to Gandhian thoughts about trade that,” commerce without morality is bad.”
The best part of this business is to massive availability of tools, training and teachings (3Ts). Don’t ignore 3Ts and don’t quit, success is yours! 

The Best Features

Here are some facts showing why do I consider SFI as my #1 online business-
  1.     SFI is the best home based online business to run and operate.
  2.     SFI is the best online products store to sell and purchase products.
  3.     SFI is the best network marketing program to follow and build.
  4.     SFI is the best accommodating affiliate program to earn money.
  5.     SFI is the easiest online business to get started.
  6.     SFI is the most incredible and powerful system to become financially free.
  7.     SFI is the best online business opportunity to create second income.
  8.     SFI is the best funny, joyful and exciting business to handle.
  9.     SFI is the most cost-effective online program to generate residual income.
 10.   SFI is the best online business having no reason to quit.
 11.    SFI is the best E-commerce site to sell and purchase online
 12.    SFI is the best platform to earn leveraged income.
 13.    SFI is the best online business to treat as business.
 14.    SFI is the best online business to trust and enter.
 15.    SFI provides the best ECA program to earn lifelong royalty income.  
 16.    SFI is well-constructed and organized business to realize big online money.
 17.    SFI endow with best “points and prize” system to work without stress.
 18.    SFI offers the best training and support system to make sure you get everything need to succeed.
 19.    SFI is the best fraud-proof, risk-free business to believe and put it in your online business basket.
 20.    SFI is top-rated online business backed by the Better Business Bureau to consider it a genuine opportunity.
Unquestionably this business works if you work with passion. The golden rule to succeed in this business is to follow “LEARN-DO-TEACH” system without a doubt and break. In fact, SFI is not a quick get-rich scheme but a real potential business. So, don’t estimate rapid results but perfect results if you stay actively involved with it. 

How To Join

  1.    Click here to join-  

  2.    Fill the form with extreme care and click ‘Sign-Up Free’ button at the bottom.  After scroll down a bit new page you will see this section-

Click on ‘GO’ button. Now you will see this page-

Now click on ‘Proceed to affiliate Center’ button. You will see this page.

This is very much important page for you. You can see your sponsor, their mail ID to contact him and also a welcome message indicated by black upward arrow.  ‘Click here’ to read the whole message very carefully and follow advise to succeed in SFI. After clicking that you will see this –

Go on back page after finishing reading. You will see this page-

Review the whole information very carefully and then click long blue button at bottom to earn 1 versa points. After clicking above button will turn into like this-

Now scroll up the page and focus on the following section-

Here you can see 12 tabs with different name. The first tab ‘Alerts’ provides you 1 extra daily grand entry.
What is Daily Grand Entry?

The DAILY GRAND is an exclusive daily drawing for SFI affiliates. Each day, 200 lucky affiliates win a share of $2000 or more in prizes.
 Every SFI affiliate is eligible for up to five (5) entries daily:
• Earn one entry for producing at least 10 VP during the previous day
• Earn a second entry for producing at least 20 VP during the previous day
• Earn two additional entries each day for maintaining a minimum 1500 VP Standing Order
• Earn one entry for reviewing 30 Ask SC answers before entering today's drawing
To enter each day, simply visit the "Win It” tab on your SFI homepage and click the "Enter Today's Drawing" button. You MUST click this button to enter each day. No purchase necessary to win.
• Maximum of one prize per day per affiliate
• Maximum of 5 prizes per month per affiliate or 20 prizes per month with a minimum 1500 VP Standing Order. 

If you win any daily grand entry, you will earn a daily grand badge 

except the prize. Like this-

You should click all 12 tabs in a row. 1. Click the tab 2. Review the page and 3. Click the long blue button at the button and you will collect 10 versa points on daily basis.
You can see the next section at the same page like this-

This is a getting started section for you as you are a brand new affiliate. You should be completed each actions one by one and earn versa points shown before each action task but at first you must confirm your registration. Click the link ‘Here’ as indicated by arrow. You will see like this-

 Please note that you have to click the above ‘click here ‘button as indicated by arrow but first you should go to your mail box and open that mail which sent by SFI for confirmation like this-

Above red circled link is that confirmation link which you should click to conform your mail ID. As you will click the above link you will see like this-

As confirmation is completed you will automatically come on your home page. Now focus on this section.

This section of your To-Do-List page reports your accumulated versa points collected by you on daily basis. Next section indicates your weekly and monthly task to be completed like this.

You can earn 38 versa points if you complete weekly task and 15 versa points by completing monthly tasks.
Now focus on this section-

These are intermediate actions that provide your deep insight, information and training about SFI along with versa points shown before each tasks. To earn versa points open each link one by one as you convenient to do so. Read each page very carefully as this information leads you towards success. Every page you will see this sign-

Click this sign and collect versa points.

Important Task Still Remains
Focus on this section of your homepage like this-

Upload your profile image first by clicking the image indicated by third arrow. First arrow indicates ‘SFI basics’. Click this link and get informed with SFI basics to succeed in this business. Second arrow indicates ‘LAUNCHPAD’. Click this link and you will come on this page-

Launchpad is a diary contained 30 lessons full of information. You will be sent a mail by SFI about launchpad lessons. So go to concerned link and complete that lesson on daily basis. You can complete these lessons as per your spare time too. You can also earn 15 versa points completing multiple choice question given at the end of each lessons like this-

You can answer each question if you read the lesson carefully. As you ‘Summit Query’ after choosing one option, you will see this message with 15 versa points. 

Your Next Step to Success

1. First of all you should earn at least 500 versa points within  first 24 hour to become FAST TRACK and earn this badge-

2.    Complete your full profile as the earliest. 

3.    Go to this link and collect your all referral links (My SFI Gateways) https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/GatewayList as this business success is depend on relationship and duplication.
    4.    Realize it’s a marathon, not a sprint and pace you accordingly. Think in terms of 90- day action plans.
    5.    Spend 30% of the time you are investing into your business for education. Educate yourself and understand your business,
6.    As an SFI affiliate, you're also automatically a TC member and, therefore, you have a TConnect page. Access yours at: http://my.tripleclicks.com/XXXXX (XXXXX = your SFI ID number). NOTE: Review your TConnect page regularly, and pick up 5 Versa Points a week. 
7.      S-builder Co-up- If you're new to marketing, this is the definitely the easiest way to build your team and it costs less than 72 cents a day! Click this link- https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/SBuilder 
8.     Standing Order- A 1500 VP Standing Order will help ensure that you never lose your EA status, so I recommend you get one if you can. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/StandingOrders 
9.    Order your free W3 kit as soon as possible and enjoy  free stuff every month. Go to this link- http://www.tripleclicks.com/Wave3/Wave3.php 
10.       Now you are ready to go.  

Help and Support
Feel free to contact me at any time if you need any help. I’m always your side and support.
Skype- sam30014
Mob- 9721938921




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